Character Page – Elder Lindt

Originally I made him specifically a Manokit, but it didn't seem right, drawing him with squinting eyes each time.

Click here to view the tracing of the original journal page.


Elder Lindt

  • Species: Shark Fox (Shox)
  • From: Virginia
  • Been on his mission for 10 months.
  • Loves playing the piano.
  • Utah Ogden Mission is his original Assignment.
  • Wants to be a firefighter after his mission.
  • Laid-back but still seems to be doing his best.
  • Currently looking for a sign / answer for whether to complete his mission at his year mark, or stay the full 2 years.
  • Quite humble about his challenges & weaknesses.
  • Can speak French quite well. Likes corn dogs.
  • A favorite scripture of his is D&C 121:7-8