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Finally got around to making proper illustrations of my parents' characters. Tried to find a good balance of making them look related to my character but still feel like them. I am happy with the result 🙂


Relating to the previous page, in the Church of Jesus Christ, babies are not allowed to be baptized into the church, because we believe it's a choice they need to make, not be forced into. The minimum age someone can choose to be baptized is 8* (aka. the age of Accountability)

Anyone baptized into the church should have a basic knowledge of the core teachings of Christ's Church, desire to follow Christ's commandments & principles, and work at steadily growing a testimony.

If a child (of a member family) is 8 or younger, their parents are the ones primarily responsible for teaching & preparing them to consider the Gospel & baptism.

However, if they're older than 8, the missionaries (with parental permission) are the ones primarily responsible for teaching & preparing them for that choice.

The two children we taught yesterday fall into the latter category, which missionaries in the UOM call "Unbaptized Youth" (UBYs). In Utah, UBYs are one of the main groups missionaries are encouraged to focus on finding & teaching.

UBYs = Unbaptized Youth

PMFs = Part-Member Families

PEs = Prospective Elders = Adult male with church membership, but isn't a holder of 2nd level of priesthood authority (if they're the only person the church has records of, there's a good chance there's a spouse and/or children who are not of our faith also in that household)

Green = Member, but likely not currently active. (People can be in multiple categories)

* If they have a mental condition that inhibits or slows their mental development, then they can't be baptized until they are mentally at the age of 8 (along with the other baptism requirements).