Note - The orange on the transfer board are the places and people in the mission who were updated in any way. I love having the transfer board format so much because it gives transparency about what is happening in the mission and makes it feel a little more like a unified group.


Since my first transfer period on the mission is coming to a close, lemme explain in more detail what they are (at least based on how the UOM does them):

Time on the mission is mainly measured in 6-week-long periods between what are called "transfers".

In the couple weeks leading up to each transfer, the mission leadership couple prayerfully consult young missionary leaders and the Holy Ghost about where God wants each missionary to be assigned for the next several weeks.

The sunday night before the end of a transfer period, the mission leadership post an image of a large chart called the "Transfer Board", showing the updated assignments of everyone in the mission. (Actual transfer board has ~1.5 - 2 times as many people on it)

Everyone who has received an updated assignment will pack up and move to their new location on Wednesday, when the transfer happens.

(last night) "Ah! Looks like Elder Lindt will be staying and I'll be going to a different area."