What a nice experience hearing this couple's conversion story! I remember it really brightened my week.
I'm happy with this "storytime" style I attempted for this page! I'd like to find more times to use it.

Here's the original page tracing


While taking a walk, we were enthusiastically approached by a couple who introduced themselves as converts to the church.

"Before we were members, we had rough lives that included heavy substance addiction. We didn't feel any lasting happiness."

"We decided to change course, which included seeking divine guidance. After a few churches, we found the Latter-Day Saint Church, and learned about it from missionaries like you guys!"

"Eventually, we took seriously the missionaries' invitation to pray and ask God if Christ's gospel and the church's doctrine are true, and if we should follow it, including by being baptized."

"That night when we prayed and asked, we both got a powerful witness from the Holy Ghost that it was true. That gave us the courage to press forward in following Jesus Christ."

"We also got revelation on some other big questions we had at that time, such as if we should get married! (we were dating then)"