Characters: Dad



The action of me going out to serve a mission has inspired my dad to start going through the journal entries and photos from the proselyting mission he served in the Texas Fort Worth Mission when he was my age. He is digitally retyping the entries to make more cohesive stories and is getting all the old photo films developed. On today's & last p-day's family call, we spent a part of it reading through the first of his digitized journal entries. It's a really nice activity to connect with my dad over.

May 30th 1987 - We became friends with a less-active church member who was a faculty in the arts division of a community college. He invited us to try the brand new software Adobe Illustrator, and taught us how to make cool graphics with it. Little did I know that would lead to my career in 2D / 3D Graphic Arts.

Oct 5th 1987 - We found a turtle while golfing during p-day and decided to bring it home. We kept forgetting to return it, and realized it became too cold to put it back in the wild (it missed its window to start hibernating). So, we took care of it over the winter until it was warm enough outside. We kept it in out apartment's bathroom in a makeshift pen.