I think it was helpful to see both sides of this matter.


I noticed that Elder Lindt & Elder Chu used very different approaches in MTAs with members:

While I was with him, Elder Lindt used a very formulaic & rigid approach. It almost always focused on just sharing the MTA document and a quick message about ministering or missionary work. This approach easily pleased the young missionary leaders above us, and it was also helpful for me as a new missionary learning to structure things.

On the other hand, Elder Chu almost never brought up the MTA document in our lessons with members. Instead, he focused on sharing spiritually uplifting messages - usually centered around a comforting scripture verse. This approach didn't please the young missionary leaders above us as much, but it did please the members - especially those who were having a rough time because of the pandemic or otherwise.

Neither of these approaches were the best approach to missionary work, but they both benefitted me as a new missionary and benefitted many of the members we had MTAs with. Also in fairness, both these approaches were used when MTAs were phone/online-only.