Sorry for not posting last week, I was at Utah's Furry Convention AWU and got the chance to meet a lot of great people there. I'm back in the swing now :)

Something you might notice is that the gradient in the background goes from white to very light yellow. I decided that each transfer I will change the color palette I use, so we'll have to see how that goes but I am excited!


Well, the time has come for me to depart. Elder Lindt will stay isolated in his room for a few more days, but since I haven't gotten sick I am free to move to the new area I'm assigned to.

Elder Lindt, you have my best wishes with the rest of your missionary service and whatever may happen afterward. Thank you for striving to be a good trainer despite the unusual circumstances the pandemic imposed.

"I would give you a farewell hug, but it would be very silly if you got infected at the very last possible moment. A salute will suffice though."

I packed up all my stuff, and the zone leaders kindly drove me to my new area closer to Central Ogden called the "Lorin Farr" Stake. It's in a middle/lower class suburb, and the missionary housing is part of an apartment complex. My new companion Elder Chu was waiting for me there.